This is a picture taken in South america in which locals are holding the head of something that they had recently and obviously killed. Some say that this is the head of a chupacabra, while others think that it looks like the head of an alien. Not much more info on this pic. If you know anything, please comment.
It is no Alien!!! We thoought it too but it is a fake from a NY fotografers exposition definitive!
Sometimes I wonder if real pictures and experiences are debunked on purpose by the government. It seems like there is always someone to say "it's not real" Granted this could be a fake. But, how do we really know? I believe that we are only told what we are supposed to hear in many cases.
if it isnt real than what is it. the people who have this object live in a poor country where they can not afford the materials nor probably do not have any materials to make special effects as good as that. so obviously is was something real if it isnt an alien or some odd creature what is it since ur soo smart andreas. those people dont have resources to make the thing in the picture use ur head if u have any intelluigence
Will, the PICTURE was created with Photoshop. And check up on your grammar before bashing someone else's "intelluigence".
The photo is a fake and has been claimed as such.
We have an alian image captured in a UFO photo that seems to be this creature starring out of a window.Research coleman,tx ufo march 2,2011 on youtube posted by mrgoodlove and verified by MUFON Coleman County,Tx.
There's nothing to fight on this alien thing or whatever, if it's real which we don't...or fake as andreas said, i agree becca we are only told what we are supposed to hear in many cases.
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