These are a couple of pictures of an alleged real alien or humanoid found by a child while with her family in Chile in 2002. The small creature is about 7 centimeters long and has a large head, two arms with long fingers, and two legs. It was reported by local news that the alien was found in the bushes by the child and then wrapped in paper, where it is said to have lived for a number of days and even opened it's eyes. It eventually died and started to decompose and seemed to mummify. Tests at the University of Chile have been inconclusive.
Sorry to say but ist is a "Marsupial" and not an Alien from chile.We have been working at the I.I.E.E. ( Exobiological institute and they tried to buy it)
I read something on this and it seems like they had believed it was a cat fetus? I never heard if there was any conclusive results. I dunno, but that is one uuugly cat if it is.
Thanks andrea & amp for your comments and insight. I am very glad that you have visited and you seem very informed about the subject of eextraterestrial life. I hope that you will visit us again and help us to prove or disprove the strange things that we might encounter in the future. Thanks again!
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